Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eating Out: Taboun, San Francisco

Some nights I’m too tired or just plain too lazy to cook. Lucky for me I live close to Taboun, A Middle Eastern restaurant in Cole Valley on Parnassus @ Stanyan. The menu is filled with tasty vegetarian options such as the falafel plate, an eggplant wrap and my favorite, the vegetarian combo.

The vegetarian combo comes with hummus, baba ghanouj, tabouleh, tomato cumber salad, falafel, dolmas and pita bread. It’s $7.50 and it is more than enough for 2 to share.

If you live near by or if you happen to be in the neighborhood, its worth checking out.

Leave us a comment or send us an e-mail about any great vegetarian finds that you have discovered while dinning out. We’d love to hear from you!

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